Thursday, October 18, 2007

RSS Feeds -- Discovery Exercise

Firstly, I'd like to indicate that I do not particularly like RSS feeds using Bloglines as it is yet another website that I would have to log in. I prefer using yahoo or firefox RSS feeds. The other thing that I do is google news on the specific subject and have it set up to search for it on a daily or weekly basis.

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?
One can't argue that they are help full in getting news on a subject without having to go through advertisements.

How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work or personal life?
Sometimes, using RSS feeds are just not as good for my needs as is me searching the web.
For example, I check to see what festivals or events are happening on the weekends in NYC and Long Island for day when I do not work. I try to set up family time with my almost 5-year old son and wife. I tried using RSS feeds but to no success. I have a better time using the following 2 links:

If anyone has other links that are useful like this one or can properly use RSS feeds for something like this, please let me know.

How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?
Current events is definitely one way to do this. Book reviews, subject news, and finding out about other library happenings can be of use for librarians. Having workshops for customers in using RSS will also be a great way of furthering customer satisfaction.

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